The road to freedom, well there are many misconceptions of what freedom is, some people believe that freedom is a right, others believe that the only way to gain your freedom is to fight and cause war and suffering, then you have others that believe that a piece of paper grants your freedom and independence.
My understanding of what freedom is that freedom here on this planet is not a right but a responsibility and the only one that can give you, your freedom is mother earth. When you take care of her, she will take care of you and that all the above of the misconceptions of what freedom is, is the reason why we are sitting here today with wars, suffering, abuse, genocide, hatred and fear. There is no piece of paper that will give you, your freedom, only the universal laws and all the laws that come with that can give you, your freedom, but you must earn it.
The road to freedom is nothing that is physical, freedom is 100% spiritual, and therefore, when you are waking up, you are getting a taste of what the reality of freedom really is it’s a responsibility, not a right. We must learn how to free ourselves spiritually and reconnect to our mother and the universe, becoming connected to all that is natural and organic that makes what our mother and who we are.
Love also can’t grant you freedom, as you can see love is so outdated that it's taken for granted with second of every day, you can’t love anything and no one if you cannot even begin to love and respect yourself. The road to freedom is going to be a very hard road as not too many people are really ready for that because it would mean that every individual will have to take full responsibility for everything and whatever they create, every decision and every choice that is made and all the good and the consequences that come along. Freedom is when you can own your own shit and be able to look at yourself in the mirror and seeing reality for what it really is, it’s also about owning your own mistakes for whatever you have created for your own life without pointing the finger towards someone else.
Now, that is the problem right there, pointing the fingers, that’s the biggest problem that society has, so when people feel that their freedoms are being restricted, is it that because of their behaviour or is it someone else’s fault?
According to the laws of Karma and Laws of Attractions, you give out and you will get back, and what goes around comes around. Within these laws, the only one that is restricting your freedom is yourself and your behaviour.
Like I said before, freedom is completely spiritual much like energy is as well, when you figure this out you will find that no one has ever had any power over you in the first place it’s what you give away.
Balance is a lot like freedom, when you are balanced you have this immense power of freedom, so much so that your soul begins to travel from one world to the next, that is what freedom allows you too. You are no longer trapped within just one world, as there are many worlds that we should have already explored. We can’t fight the system not really, but we sure can change ourselves, how we feel and what we think about ourselves matters, it matters a lot, because how we feel and think about ourselves can either free ourselves or enslave ourselves. How we think and feel about ourselves also determines how we are going to treat everything and everyone that is sacred and including our mother and all her innocent sacred children.
It’s a choice really to not only walk the spiritual road but to walk in within complete truth about everything but most importantly walking in the complete truth about yourself with all your flaws and beauty. Taking full responsibility for yourself, your actions and everything that you create, with all the joys and the consequences that go along with freedom and self-determination, no one can give you these things only you can, the earth and the universe.
True freedom comes only from within it is a road that you take with the mother, to learn all about her is the same as getting to know all about yourself, you and she must become one, one spirit and on those dark cold nights when you are sitting outside looking at the moon, you must become one with the grandmother moon and all the stars in the night sky.
That is how you will not only regain your freedom but your power as well, that is the only way you will ever establish any kind of freedom creating true relationships.
Helping those that can’t help themselves regardless of sex, creed, race, colour or culture, these are the responsibilities you take on when it comes to walking the road to freedom. Not looking away because you feel that it’s not your problem that is not how you maintain your freedom by oppressing someone else with, you’re ideals isn’t the way either.
Freedom is so simple you know, it's so simple that a child understands this more than the adults do, kindness, compassion, respect, unconditional love, for all that is sacred.
So simple yet, so hard for people to do or even understand, it’s so easy to live this kind of life than a life that is bound to destroy itself at the end of it all just because they can’t see past the colour of one's skin or culture.
Yet, because they can’t see past their own self-hate because that is what it all boils down too, the entire planet must suffer in such a way that now our very existence is in question. What a sad and lonely planet we live on, everyone out for themselves and for each other.
The Road to Freedom is going to be a hell of a ride, especially when others find out that they never had it in the first place. Freedom has lots of restrictions, you can’t just cut down the trees because you believe that this planet will provide you more, you can’t just sell this planet as this planet belongs to no one, there is no country, no lands, no cities or towns that belong to anybody, there is nothing about this planet or anything that she has ever created that belonged to anyone. As our mother drowns, burns and freezes this type of illusions away, people are experiencing her wrath, remember the last time, she sank a few civilizations and poured her ashes onto many others.
If you want your freedom you will have to earn that right with her and her only, that is how it is here on this planet. Beings of all races and species have the right to live, they have the right to live to have the prosperity in which the earth provides them, they also have the right to roam the earth as their ancestors once did. You see the road to freedom is not about freedom for the selected few and screw the rest, the road to freedom isn’t about ownership of anything or anyone as you did not create this planet nor create her children.
The road to freedom is a tricky thing, people think freedom is ownership like a marriage a signed contract of ownership like property and all the while they think and believe that this is what freedom is. Fear, however, people fear this is why you see so many people now going insane at the thought of any kind of freedom it’s why we see so many people fighting each other entrapping each other because they feel they have the right to do such unspeakable acts and they think and believe that this freedom. I have always said this, and I will always say this in the future the 1% cannot enslave us all it's impossible, but we the 99% can do this very well all by ourselves without any help from the 1%. As you can see it is happening the road to freedom means everyone will come together as a collective to achieve this even if it means crossing borders, freedom is not only for selected few of fools that believe they have a right to. Freedom is not anyone's right to be you must earn let this be understood and if this planet as a chance of surviving it is going to take all her children to come together and save her and to save each other. We are all connected and that’s a fact and as we are connected it is our right to be there for each other in our time of great need as being together brought about a resolution to the evolution that is happening.
The Road to freedom can’t be stopped mother needs this, we need this, her creatures need this the universe demands it, so coming together is the greatest thing to happen when our lives depends on it if we want to survive to live with each other in peace and harmony as our ancestors once did, being free to roam the earth as we once did and there is nothing that is going to stop this from happening this is how the earth works bring her into being with her and for her and for ourselves.