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Living A Spiritual Way Of Life

Writer: Yvette MartinYvette Martin

Living a spiritual life is not easy by any means, it's hard work and you must be willing to give up a life you used to have and create a new life from scratch, much like a blank slate. Letting go is never easy especially when you know that not everyone can come with you on your journey. It’s a hard decision to make, and a hard reality to deal with, I know for me it was extremely hard to do, with all the things that I have done in the past and knowing that there is just something that cannot be fixed and that I just had to learn how to live with it. This decision is never easy to make because it means giving up a lot and giving up the mindset that you once thought that was healthy.

Deciding to live a spiritual way of life, is a big decision there is a lot to think about and to consider, living this kind of life you must be willing to walk in truth always, you must be willing to see, think and feel in reality that is shown to you through your heart this is never easy because it means there will be things about yourself or about life in general that you will find the experience a hard one to swallow.

You will see that the life you are living now and living before no longer makes any kind of sense, even the people around you, you may see them differently than you did before and when you look in the mirror and look at yourself, you may not even recognize who it is you are looking at; this is called when the veil begins to fall. Everything around you begins to change, the people in your life will also change as well, a lot of relationships tend to end, and there are some that make it through these spiritual changes as well.

But for those relationships that do not make it, it’s okay, really, it’s no ones fault it just means that you are no longer walking the same road as you once did before. I often think about those relationships that do last for 40 – 60 years, what is their secret, so when I found a couple that was together forever I asked them what is the secret? “The secret is, you must allow each other to grow separately, not everything is meant to be shared in a relationship, each person must follow their own dreams and their own passions and respecting each others journey is the number one key secret into living a long happy life together.”

Deciding to live a spiritual way is a huge responsibility, whether you do it alone or with you another person, it is the responsibility of owning whatever you have experienced and created within and without your worlds. There will be no blame game to go around, it's all about taking full responsibility for your own actions (thoughts & emotions). Its also means that you will walk, talk, breath, sleep and wake up in only truth, truth, as you know, is not always easy to handle. This also means that you never turn a blind eye to any situations that may arise or turn the other way when you see someone else in need. Nor does it mean to become arrogant and believing that you know all because you see when you are walking the spiritual road and living within it, you know nothing, literally nothing, because everything that you once knew will be gone and washed away for the renewal to begin.

At first its all about instinct and trusting yourself completely, that takes time because you have been separated for so long that trusting yourself is second nature. Living a spiritual life, is about instinct and trusting it, and having faith within yourself. This is hard because people have faith in others but lack faith in themselves this is a real struggle because of the conditioning and believing in how we are supposed to act and have faith in doesn’t require anything about you as a human being. Establishing faith within yourself is important learning how to trust yourself and your own instincts can be a way to separate from the conditioning that has held you in a prison. It won’t be easy, but it can be done, when you begin to live a spiritual way of life you will find that trusting yourself will become easier, you will find that the world outside of you is crazy and that you no longer fit into anymore.

This is a crucial moment when you realize that you no longer fit into a world that does not nor ever has had your best interest at heart, you will soon separate yourself from that life and from anyone else that lives that way of life. The faith you have in yourself and what you are creating becomes more important than what is going on around you. Now that is not to say that we ignore anything about what is going on it just means that you are no longer part of the game and that solutions to any problems that is what you will find yourself only focusing on.

You are not complaining about what is going on, instead, you are taking action and action that about breaking away from a life you no longer want for yourself. Living a spiritual life, is all about choices and decisions, as more opportunity arises on your journey, you will find yourself, making more choices and decisions it may seem that is all that you do. But this is a healthy thing, you are establishing not only faith and trust within yourself, but now you are establishing faith and trust within the path that you are walking and this is the most important thing you can do within your journey.

This is where it becomes our relationship and this sacred relationship is the most powerful relationship you will ever have in your lifetime. A relationship with yourself that is slowly building, a relationship with the spirit world, the universe, with mother earth and with all life. The most important lessons about this kind of relationship are that you are not only establishing self-determination, but you are demonstrating this as well. The ability to think clearly and coherently, making your choices, deciding what you want and need of your own life, regardless of what the outside world thinks or feels.

This relationship is the relationship that we all forgot about, therefore we are all suffering so much because we forgot about ourselves, we forgot how to think and feel for ourselves. Once we figure this out there will be no going back to the old ways of thinking and feeling, you will remember your sacredness and your sacred duties and responsibilities as well. It truly does take courage to want to live a spiritual way of life, sometimes it means that you will be standing alone and that is also alright too because sometimes it’s better to stand out in the crowd than being within all the chaos that keeps others from growing and evolving.

Life is never what it seems, its constantly changes and evolves, even when we don’t think nothing is happening, everything is always happening, you either want to become the spiritual way of life and move like water or you don’t watch everything pass you by, that is a choice that everyone will eventually make one day. We can’t fight against the system, but we can sure as hell change ourselves and the way we behave towards ourselves and each other, the moment, the very second, we come to realize this, then the world will change, and the system will change. The system is the way it is because we can’t let go of it and are afraid of what might happen if we do let go, for me, however, I think that should be the excitement of the journey.

It’s never easy living the spiritual way of life, but it can be done, you create what you want to experience that is always the way of this life, you are in the driver’s seat and only you can hand over the wheel that will make or break you. You must figure out what you want, and what is it that you need and go after it, no matter what happens and no matter how many times you fail, you always must get up off your knees and keep pushing forward regardless of what is happening out there. Depending and waiting for something to happen is never a good idea, yes, your faith will always be tested, and your patience but even in the spirit worlds you must fight for what you want, nothing in life comes easy as if it did what would you learn right?

It’s not easy living a spiritual life, but it is worth it, everything you have been through to get to this point is worth it, and with all the hardships in your life, you can now finally find that freedom to share it with others, so that they can also see their own potential. It’s a road that should not be taken lightly, a lot will change when you decide that you have had enough of the life you are living, and once you decide there will be no going back. People say that we must let go of the past, but I ten to think that is crazy, how can we let go of something that no one knows nothing about, I do agree not to live in the past, but in order to make such a life an important life decision, one must understand the past, in order to understand what is going on now, and what can repeat itself if we don’t make the changes within ourselves. Living a spiritual life is all about harsh truths and harsh realities how else are we supposed to live a peaceful life if we are still warring within ourselves?



© Spiritual Life 2023 by Yvette Martin.

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