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The Spirit World

Writer: Yvette MartinYvette Martin

The supernatural world has always been a part of some great mystery with people, in fact, it’s not a mystery at all, the spirit worlds have always been here long before us, long before anything existed here. The spirit world is woven into every fabric of this beautiful planet’s being, it’s the magic that is woven into the very essence of this beautiful mother, and the spirit world is just that, filled with magic and wonderment.

Humanity has this notion that we are the only life forms that came here, but I must remind you that this planet is billions of years old and that there are far greater energies than us that have been here for that long and these energies will still be here after we are all gone. We are just part of the story, but we are not the only stories here and we are certainly not the main characters either.

These worlds and there are many worlds than what we can see or even begin to understand have never been separated from this planet, have never been separated from the connections that make them who they are. These beings of energies have evolved much farther than us humans, the physical worlds and spirit worlds have not been as separated as you may think. Yes, they have closed their doors on us many moons ago, but that is because there is a great reason for that, and I should not have to tell those reasons as you should already know.

Our ancestors all had vast knowledge about the spirit worlds throughout the earth and throughout the vastness of space, this was common knowledge, this knowledge was not just part of everyday life, it was a way of life, the way of surviving here with mother earth. It was natural for the spirit worlds to interact with the physical world, how else do you think knowledge was so vast and universal? If you are part of the earth, you are part of the supernatural world that does exist.

It was not too long ago where women were being persecuted not for witchcraft but in fact of our deep connection to the spirit world’s which is our mother. Today this persecution is still going on, sisters have you seen our mother lately? Therefore now, the destruction of the planet is a direct attack on all women, as we wake up to the power that is between mother and daughter, it is becoming so powerful for any other energy to penetrate itself through.

Religion (hunters) separated humanity and other beings from the earth and they were forced to fear what is part of them and of who they are. Cleansing the world of the spiritual realms has played a huge part in the planetary and galactic sufferings and the downfall of mankind. Today, that fear is still being promoted as the spirit world is something monstrous and scary, something that is demonic. It’s not even close and the hunters still demonize it has such, yes there are some unruly spirits but there are much more unruly people. This fear of the spirit worlds is the direct fear of us to live a natural way of life, teachings have been passed down through all the ancient cultures from the beginning of time a time before man and that knowledge is still being shared today by many ancient cultures that still live within the realms of the spirit worlds. A time that humanity knows nothing about because the spirit world closed their doors many moons ago and because of this separation, humanity will continue to fall. As no one from those worlds would ever come to the aid of man again and it is because of this great agreement that humanity today is still paralyzed.

This planet, our Great Mother, is spirit and spirit only, she is a living breathing organism that creates life and that regenerates life, nothing dies here, the cycle of life here demonstrates that. I myself live among the spirit world, as I was never told or brainwashed into believing it was something that should be feared but in fact, I was taught that it’s something that is sacred.

Consciousness, real consciousness is based on the spirit worlds just as much as it is universal, that is knowing and understanding who you are as spiritual beings, it is universally impossible to be awake and not have a deeply profound connection with the spirit world. It is impossible to have an awakening and still be separated from who you are. That is an illusion that many people are falling for, and it is sad to see that there is a mass seduction happening within the awakening process. How is that you may wonder? Well, I have had many people come to me in the past that were waking up or thought they were, and they were telling me that someone told them about where they were from what planet they were from and all that kind of stuff. I thought silently, of course, here it comes the great deception has begun. The reality of the awakening process is the connection to mother earth and the spirit worlds that are here, the multi-dimensional planet and then universally.

I don’t care who you are, no one knows you, and where you came from why? Because they have not lived any of your past lives and no one can tell you where you are going in the future why? The Great Spirit and Mother Earth will guide you and only you on that journey, just like no one else’s journey will be the same as anyone else’s.

The spirit world can sometimes be chaotic, but the reality is just. You cannot have been waking up if you are still separated from your true essence that makes all your spirits who you are.

This planet is changing and it’s not only a galactic thing either this means all the spirit worlds that have ever been created here, is emerging with the physical world and this is a good thing because we can learn a lot about who we are as spiritual beings. Why we have suffered so much separation from a world that is our home.

When the spirit world closed its doors on the physical worlds that were beginning of the fall of consciousness, our loss of connection to who we are, it allowed us to live without knowledge and wisdom for a very long time. This had a profound effect on the history of this planet and the impact that would be in the future which we are living in now.

As there are negative energies in the spirit world, so does the physical illusion that we live in and when people think of the spirit beings as being negative you must ask yourself what you have done to attract such energies in the first place, those specific spirits that do give you a hard time used to be the helpers of humanity, and because of how humanity treated them, well you know the saying what goes around comes around. Balancing out the world will take many lives and give many new lives as well.

Our ancestors are watching us from behind that curtain and as they watch their descendants do what they do to each other, I would be pissed off too. It angers me to know that people are still promoting fear with this subject, from television shows, movies and books.

Exploiting the spirit world to create fear is the same thing has exploiting people because of their cultural beliefs, something that is supposed to be sacred should always remain sacred. You should be more afraid of the world you are living in now, then fearing something that is natural to the earth.

This subject is very heartbreaking for me, as I see a lot of spiritual families being torn apart, the earth being savagely abused, this is all because these hunters don’t want the truth coming out, also humanity does have their role to play as well, but more so they are scared to death of the spirit worlds and all of the beings coming forward because they know that their time is up. Standing Rock is proof of the spirit worlds emerging.

That is universal knowledge of what happened and what will continue to emerge, these spiritual wars that heavily includes the supernatural worlds a whole. This affects the consciously greatly because you would not have seen this type of war before, or you don’t remember it, these wars that have been playing out throughout history has always been about two things.

The annihilation of all the spirit worlds.

The domination of the Great Mother.

In the 21st century, we are seeing and experiencing these wars manifest into our reality, and it is just getting started. I must be truthful here and I know everyone is going to grasp at this one, the spirit world has no interest in saving anyone, that is not why they are emerging now. They are emerging because of two reasons and two reasons only.

Mother Earth demands all her children to return to save her.

The 8th generation, the children that are already here and those that will emerge from the future. This awakening literally has nothing to do with anything other than this battle for the earth, it's not about race, economy or even your freaking better healthcare, education all that crap. This is only about the planet and the 8th generation that we are dying to protect.

The spirit worlds is that last thing that anyone should fear but even so, there are many people that are spreading this fear in a horrific way, to further separate humanity from this truth and that needs to stop, as the continuing destruction or our Great Mother continues the anger emerges from within her and she is demonstrating her power throughout the world, and she is not alone in this demonstration either. Like I said humanity is just children there are far more ancient energies here that have always and forever been her and mother earth and her entire worlds are showing everyone on this planet who’s in charge here and if we are not careful everyone will experience another Atlantis.

This planet has time you see, she has so much time to regenerate herself even if it means getting rid of all the radiation which is us. She has time to heal herself, create worlds, and grow even more beautiful than she was before. She has time to create a new life, a life that is filled with balance and order. We, however, don’t have that luxury of time!

As the spirit world emerges, this will have a profound effect that is being demonstrated and if you were paying attention to anything you can see this clearly and coherently, spirit animals (white animals) are emerging first sign, the earth is retaliating on everything and anyone that dares to stop her, second sign. People, people are just going completely insane, this is the plague, the spirit worlds energies are more powerful than you can ever imagine, their energies are having a profound effect on the human mind.

Oh, there are no cures for that, not even a shaman can cure it. The two spirited beings special in every way let me tell you a bit about these magnificent beings, the male-female, the female-male these two spirited persons are emerging have you noticed they are the visionaries, the healer, the medicine people, the nannies of orphans, the caregivers. They have been emerging as well, beautiful beings that demonstrate both the Creator and the heavenly mother, divine souls they are and powerful third sign. These are just some of the signs that so many people are missing, and those that are not connected, those are the ones you are seeing creating more chaos, but they do have a profound message even though their hatred will blind you. That message is look in the mirror the reflection that comes back and stares at you what do you see? Do you see yourself, in those that are becoming consciously sick? Reflection of what we allowed to happen is bringing the truth out in the most brutal ways.

Then there are those that are connected, they are being activated and memories of former lives are emerging, an example of that is the animal kingdom and their response to this activation. You know it was not so many moons ago when the animal kingdom and the spirit worlds even humanity fought alongside each other. The behaviour of the animal kingdoms and the ocean kingdoms are the first to ever have their awakening before anything else. Their affections are also being demonstrated.

Not everyone is going to make it through this great purification, that is universal knowledge and well that is just common sense. here is nothing that anyone can do to change what is happening, you have choices, to embrace it with grace, or you will be taken out. The spirit world either be positive or negative but one thing we have in common and that is their devotion and love for this planet. You and I are not of great importance when it comes to what is the priority and what is important. This planet is home to many beings and many different races and species that is far much older than humanity itself. This is also being demonstrated about the dominance of this planet. No race can dominate this planet, as our Great Mother created all life here, she is the only one in power to take it all away.


© Spiritual Life 2023 by Yvette Martin.

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