There is no easy way to identify your emotional energy, it’s very difficult to recognize them when you have spent so long without any knowledge of what your emotional energy is. However, it can be done, and I am going to give you some steps to take to start out with.
JOURNAL - I can’t tell people enough how crucial this is keeping a journal and keeping track of your daily thoughts and emotions is by far one of the most powerful tools that I cannot stress enough. Keeping a journal allows you to see with your own eyes what you were feeling with whatever the situation is. Keeping a journal is one of the major parts of identifying what your emotions are, why you are feeling the way you are and how can there be a solution to whatever you may have been feeling and thinking. Keeping a journal, you are taking the first step into becoming aware of what your energies are, the effects and you will be surprised on the answers you will discover, from your own selves.
CHECKING IN WITH YOURSELF- Checking in with yourself regularly is important. It allows you to keep yourself aware of the energy you are giving off and receiving. Check in with yourself not just when you are feeling bad but also when you are feeling good asking yourself questions about how you are feeling. This allows you to keep in control of yourself, also it is a great way to get to know yourself.
MEDITATION & PRAYER- Remember you are in control of what you will allow into your sacred space and what type of energy you are putting out there. Being in a constant state of prayer and meditation allows you to create a higher state of balance, also it helps your mind to stay clear and coherent. Having a still mind can open doors that are filled with peace. Becoming aware of your energies requires self-discipline and responsibility of knowing that whatever energy you are giving off you are responsible for the effects.
You will also be able to resist all energies that will try to steer you down the wrong path. If nothing else makes sense and you feel that you are losing your way, take yourself for a long walk and get out into nature and let the Universe and the Great Mother speak to you. Learning your emotional state is extremely difficult because you will have to face a lot of truths about yourself and the truth about the world we are living in that is always trying to influence you. You do have a choice to comply with the influences or to resist any energies that make you feel less about yourself.
Becoming connected with nature, you are telling the universe and the great mother that you need their help and guidance and I must tell you that nature, she does come through if you allow the great mother to help.
These are just some of the steps I have learned from others and it really does work, but it requires a lot of work on yourself.